WHAT ELSE IS OUT THERE? 

Dwarf planets are smaller round objects that orbit the sun. Because their gravitational pull is weak, they have debris within their orbits. They a re not, however, satellites of other planets. Pluto, Ceres (found in the asteroid belt, and Eris (located in the Kuiper belt)are  dwarf planets. More will likely soon be identified. Two other types of planets are
     known as super-Earths and hot Ju- of use piters. These hey (short for extrasolar planets) because many  they may exist outside our solar sys- be tem. Super-Earths measure two to wh the three times the size of Earth and are of the made of rock and ice. They orbit the pre are called exoplanets clo or her cooler red stars about half the size. 
      of our sun but do sa at distances too  close to allew life A super-Earth that orbits its star  at a safe distance might be able to support life. Hot Jupiters, which are larger than Jupiter, are made of gas and orbit extremely close to their stars. Because of their size, they are quite easy to defect. 


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